Weeping and Mourning Through Easter–How, When, and Where Faith in Jesus’ Resurrection Really Began

Most readers of the New Testament Gospels focus on the well-known stories of Easter morning and the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb with his subsequent “appearances” as a flesh and blood recusitated corpse to his followers–eating and proclaiming he is alive. However, sorting through all our sources together on what…

Getting Damned to Hell!

Someone just posted a comment on my article dealing with the forged ending of the Gospel of Mark, which most scholars take as a late addition to Mark’s otherwise masterful literary work. The traditional ending, now found in the King James Version, is one of three bogus endings, each of…

John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A “Cosmic Messiah” Who Raises the Dead?

One of the more intriguing of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a fragment now titled “Messianic Apocalypse” (4Q521). This text contains three rather striking features that are of particular significance for comparing the apocalyptic beliefs and expectations of the Qumran community with the emerging early Christian movement. First, the text…