Are Christians Following Plato Rather than Jesus?

In this ninth of my series on” Death, Afterlife, and the Future,” I consider the thesis of the late great Oscar Cullmann who argued that Christianity–anciently and down into our own time–has largely lost the view of “resurrection of the dead” as declared by Jesus in our gospel sources and Paul in his letters–in favor of a Platonic Dualism that focuses on the “immortal soul,” escaping this world for a heavenly Home above. You can download a PDF of my article “What the Bible Says about the Future” here on my blog–see drop down menus.

Also, if you want to get a reprint copy of Cullmann’s book here is a short review and link to the edition I would recommend: Here are the lines from John Donne’s poem I mentioned at the graveside service in Season 7, ep. 3 of “Outlander”:

Death, be not proud,
though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful,
for thou art not so;
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.


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