This video is Part I of the COUNTDOWN of the Top Ten Texts of the Bible that differ in the Dead Sea Scrolls and our traditional Old Testament. For an introduction see the previous video: And be sure you get your copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible for…

How Do Texts of the Hebrew Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls Compare with our Later Traditional Copies?
Get ready for the countdown: Ten Major Variants between the Dead Sea Scroll texts of the Hebrew Bible and that of our traditional Masoretic text–upon which our major English Bibles are based. A very few of these variants are slowly making it into the English texts, but by far the…
The entire tale in the book of Genesis of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been portrayed as the FALL OF Humanity from God’s Grace and Favor. It is quite the opposite. In this video I examine the…
Millions sing the old evangelical Christian hymn “I Know that My Redeemer Lives,” referring to Jesus. However, the idea comes from Job 19 and it turns out it has been seriously mistranslated in Christian versions of the Bible and the actual meaning is something totally different–but equally amazing! For a…
I don’t know how many of you have heard this verse quoted over the years growing up but the ideas behind it, spread to the world by the apostle Paul–have done untold harm, and led to the anguish and suffering of so many millions. A Single verse of the Bible–Jeremiah…
Of all the main English translations of the Bible available–and there are more than a few dozen–I still prefer the older Revised Standard Version (RSV) published in 1952–with a 2nd edition in 1971. I realize most of my academic colleagues recommend the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), released in 1989…
Summer Sale: The Book of Genesis: A New Translation from the Transparent English Bible, is available in Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover at significantly reduced prices on Amazon. What is the best-known verse in the Bible—one that millions could quote immediately by heart? Christians might say John 3:16—after all, one even sees placards and signs…
Many Christians know the traditional “Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross,” that are a compilation of all that Jesus said during his last hours hanging between life and death on the cross based on our four New Testament gospels. Few could sort out which gospel says which, or which sayings…
With the end of the Fall biblical Holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkoth) last week millions of Jews and Hebrew oriented non-Jews, including many Christians, began a new cycle of Torah readings this past weekend. The reading for October 17th, this past Sabbath, was Genesis 1:1-6:8. I guess one…
As many of you know I have a new translation of The Book of Genesis now available in print and Kindle editions via Amazon. I have also begun a weekly series working through the book of Genesis, bit by bit, with hosts Jono Vandor and Ross Nichols on the…