The Lost “Shapira” Dead Sea Scroll Controversy Makes Top Ten List for 2021

Biblical Archaeology Review has just named the “Shapira” Dead Sea Scrolls controversy in its annual  “Top Ten” list of Biblical/Archaeological Stories, see full listing here: Two major new books, Ross Nichols’s, The Moses Scroll and  Idan Dershowitz’s The Valediction of Moses: A Proto-Biblical Book, came out within days of…

Dershowitz’s “Shapira Dead Sea Scroll” Story Hits Front Page of International NYTimes

Today’s international weekend edition of the New York Times has the Moses Shapira “Dead Sea Scroll” story, that appeared on-line March 10th, on the front page, above the fold! Congratulations to Idan Dershowitz for his years of painstaking work on the 1878 Shapira Scroll fragments–which have disappeared–trying to reconstruct them and…

A “Shapira” Bombshell has Just Exploded–Idan Dershowitz’s Research and the Case for Authenticity

Excuse my enthusiasm! What are the chances that the same week that Ross Nichols’s new book, The Moses Scroll, which relates the saga of the Moses Shapira “Deuteronomy” manuscripts, was officially published (see my post from Monday here), the summary evidence of a new and solidly academic book on the Shapira “scrolls,”…