As many of you know I formed a “Tabor Research Community” in 2023 using Patreon…but my approach is different from most. Everyone who joins, at any level, gets the same materials–as I realize people have widely differing financial means, and I am not interested in “selling” my work to those…
Dateline: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, Jerusalem Israel I flew to Israel the day before to be present for one of the most significant discoveries I have made in my entire forty year academic career! Enjoy the experience , and see the links at the end to learn much more!…
Millions of believing Christians, as well as theologians and historians, are convinced that the earliest faith in Jesus’ resurrection had to do with the assertion that his dead body was revived in a tomb–and that he walked out of that tomb on the third day after his death, as a…
Those who have read my books or this blog for some years now will know this basic position I have advocated for the past few years on “What Really Happened Easter Morning.” My understanding allows for both the Talpiot tomb–or some other tomb in Jerusalem–as the final resting place for…
This paper poses a simple question: Is there sufficient historical evidence to identify a modest first century CE Jewish rock-hewn tomb, accidentally opened by a construction crew in 1980 in east Talpiot, just south of the Old City of Jerusalem, as the probable burial tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and…
In the aftermath of Jodi Magness’s recent lecture on the “Burials of James, Jesus, and the Talpiot Tombs” in Bart Ehrman’s course “Archaeoolgy in the Time of Jesus” one thing was clear to me that I had not fully realized. Most treatments of the data on the Talpiot tomb research…
Several of my blog readers have sent me this ad in the last couple of days. You can find it with a browser search but I am not wanting to promote the link since it is a pitch to subscribe to the magazine! Don’t get me wrong, I think the…
Reduced Price until Sunday Midnight February 25th! Some of you might have seen that Bart Ehrman is promoting a new course with archaeologist Jodi Magness. The two of them are faculty together at UNC Chapel Hill. I have never enrolled in one of Bart’s courses before, though I have often…
The story of Simon of Cyrene carrying the cross of Jesus as related in the gospel of Mark is quite remarkable for both its brevity and its content. It is conveyed in s single verse in Mark 15:21 as Jesus is being led away by the Romans to be crucified.…
In this ninth of my series on” Death, Afterlife, and the Future,” I consider the thesis of the late great Oscar Cullmann who argued that Christianity–anciently and down into our own time–has largely lost the view of “resurrection of the dead” as declared by Jesus in our gospel sources and…