Recent polls indicate that up to 70% of Americans, both Black and White, approve of some form of corporeal punishment of children–with Evangelical Christians coming in at over 85%. 15 States in the USA explicitly permit some form of “paddling” in public schools, with 7 States not prohibiting it, leaving…
I explore this question from a biblical perspective with Dr. Robert L. Kuhn, host of the acclaimed PBS Series “Closer to Truth,” along with a host of perspectives from historians, scientists, philosophers, and theologians. You may view the whole series here, “Is This the End Time?”
Here is a segment from my various interviews with Dr. Robert Kuhn on his award-winning PBS program Closer to Truth. I am asked to address here the question “Can Different Religions All Be True?” You can view this and other interviews with me and a host of other historians, theologians,…
Here is a lecture I did over 20 years ago at Emmanuel Study Center in Athens, TN. The audience was very mixed in composition, a group of Rabbis, Jews, Torah oriented Gentiels, and Christians. It is a bit of a teaser but the complete lecture with Q&A is available through…
Happily, I come out of a Christian tradition in which the Hebrew Bible carries as much authority as the New Testament. No different weight is given to one or the other. The Bible is one, Old and New, in my particular tradition. My own interest is far more in the…
The New Testament has been the most influential collection of documents in history. Taken by both commoners and those in power as the inspired and infallible “Word of God,” and interpreted ofttimes outside its historical context, its fateful influence has often emerged from single passages with far-ranging consequences: Let every…
This post originally appeared on the Huffington Post and drew a massive response, pro and con. It is reposted her without editing due to popular demand as well as the important biblical and cinematic issues it addresses. Enjoy! Darren Aronofsky’s new $100m blockbuster film “Noah” opened in 2014 in 3936…
I have been thinking lately about the essential differences between Judaism and Christianity, or more properly, the kind of religion reflected in the Hebrew Bible and that of the Greek New Testament. In terms of definition and label I am neither a Jew nor a Christian — by that I…