It is noteworthy that Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 remains our only firsthand autobiographical account of such an experience from the ancient world. The idea of Jesus “ascending to heaven” after his resurrection from the dead is a theme well known in our culture. Along with his “resurrection from…
Please visit my Youtube Channel and Subscribe, for much more to come. I regularly teach a course called “The End of the World as We Know It,” with thanks to REM and Leonard Cohen’s, “The Future.” I did this thirty-minute overview with Derek Lambert, the dynamic host of MythVision Podcasts–which…
I am continuing to post the materials that I have used in my courses for 45 years now–free for anyone to see and use. You are welcome to print out, read, and share the link via social media, but please do not repost or reproduce without permission. The following excerpt from…
I have another guest post over on Bart Ehrman’s blog. I encourage my readers to head over there and check it out: Is the Book of Revelation a Revised Version of a non-Christian Apocalypse? This post is a bit special in that it not only responds to the question in…
Who are you? Are you the Messiah? Or the Prophet? Or Elijah? We find this series of questions addressed to John the Baptizer in the gospel of John. One of the ideas I explore and develop in my 2006 book, The Jesus Dynasty, was the notion of the expectation…
My favorite Blog dealing with biblical matters, other than my own (!), is “Scribes of the Kingdom” run by Alex Finkelstein, whom I have met only on line through email letting him know how much I appreciate his work. He is one of the most thoughtful students of early Christianity…
Many decades ago I had the privilege of studying at the University of Chicago with the late, great, Norman Perrin. I have many memories of Mr. Perrin, some personal, that I have shared previously on my blog, see “Remembering Norman Perrin.” One of his most distinguished students, Werner H. Kelber,…
I regularly get queries from readers asking whether my university courses are on-line or available to the public. Although during this “year of Covid” I have been teaching on-line–and will next semester–registering requires admission and enrollment through the university, with normal tuition payments–which I think is not what most people…
Note to the reader: During the “Covid Summer of 2020” I spent about a month digging through old files from my University of Chicago days–back when I was writing my dissertation at the University of Chicago under Jonathan Z. Smith. I found so many treasures, including these handwritten notes I…
For the next few weeks I plan to post many of my previously published articles that have fallen off the radar of many of my readers. Some, but not nearly all, are available as PDFs on this Blog site under “Publications and Papers,” in the dropdown menu above labeled “Academic.”…