The first chapter of Why Waco is available on-line: but the rest of the book gives the whole story. Highly recommend as a start.
In terms of the topic more generally there is the highly perceptive New Yorker piece by Malcom Gladwell. That was a major breakthrough and very important:
C-Span also has my 1995 testimony before Congress with Dr. Philip Arnold. We are on throughout this link and at the end I am given an open mike to lay out the case as we see it:
Here is a tape I made of “The Last Words of David Koresh,” which is quite important for understanding the last three days before the FBI assault with CS-Gas on April 19th. It is a large file but here is the Dropbox link:
Finally, if you have read all these you should work through this one: “Waco After 25 Years: Getting the Facts Straight.”
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