I learned this single CORE idea from Jonathan Z. Smith, the greatest historian of religion of our time, during the first week of the first class I had from him at the University of Chicago called simply “Hellenistic Religion.” It remains the case that very few in my academic field…
Here is an much expanded version of some of what I presented at the Ehrman NINT conference on Paul over the weekend. it is quite long and goes deeply into many important texts, tailor made for a group such as ours, made up of those who have searched the historical…

How Evangelical Christian Apologists for the Resurrection of Jesus Ignore our Earliest Eyewitness Accounts!
Perhaps many readers are familiar with the work of Gary Habermas on what he calls the “Minimal Facts” argument for proving that the resurrection of Jesus on Easter is a verifiable historical fact. In this extended two part interview with Youtube host Thomas Westbrook ( @HolyKoolaid ), we explore our earliest…

From Jewish Mother of Jesus to Virgin Mother of God: A Discussion and Dialogue with Dr. Shirley Paulson
I love Dr. Shirley Paulson’s program “The Bible and Beyond,” part of “Early Christian Texts,” and her associated web site and activities. I encourage you to explore her channel and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@EarlyChristianTexts In this interview I talk about my research on my forthcoming book, The Lost Mary: From the Jewish…
As many of you know, I have highly recommended the upcoming September virtual conference on Paul and his letters sponsored by Bart Ehrman. There was an “early-bird” price that ended last Saturday at midnight. But guess what? I was able to get a special CODE that will continue to give…
I just was able to get this code for a 10% discount if you use it on whatever purchase you make: DrTabor10. If you signed up for the free trial, which most tend to do, be sure and use the Code if you decide to keep the program at whatever level. …
In this video I examine two texts from Paul’s early letters (1 Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians), that many scholars think are interpolations. Paul says harsh things about Jews experiencing soon the Wrath of God, , and demands that women be SILENT in the assembly and even if they have a…
The King James Version of the Bible, published in 1611, is the ALL TIME best selling book in English for the past several hundred years. Millions read it today and rely upon it as their ONLY Bible–in fact one often hears of fundamentalist and evangelical Churches that label themselves as…
Check out the link to the MOST significant Conference on Paul of the year–for non-scholars. New Insights on the New Testament–with the emphasis on “New,” hosted by Prof. Bart Ehrman. Look at the topics and the speakers and I think you might be hooked: Here is the link to check…
Yesterday I did an interview with Prof. Robyn Faith Walsh, one of the ten participants in this upcoming special conference on the Apostle Paul: New Investigations on the New Testament(NINT). I found her insights and approach to the texts insightful and fascinating. You won’t want to miss this one! This…