My Book Paul and Jesus to be Discussed at Ehrman’s Biblical Studies Academy Book Club!

I just saw an announcement that my book, Paul and Jesus, was chosen by a poll members of Bart Ehrman’s Biblical Studies Academy for their new monthly book discussion in January. This is one of the “Events” that BSA members can participate in. I know some of you are members of BSA and I hope you will try to be there.

I recently joined to just keep up with things “over there,” as Bart and I have a co-operative professional as well as personal relationship. I will mainly “lurk” but I do like to hear Bart’s lates exposition on this or that. I realize some are not fans of Bart, and he takes flack from all sides it seems. I guess we have that in common. But overall I value both his friendship and his scholarship. I have written for his blog, was guest host on his Misquoting Jesus podcast, helped with some of his charitable fundraising efforts, and participated in his NINT programs the past two years. And yes! I do find many of his views and positions either plain wrong or in some cases under informed.

If you are interested in joining or keeping up they have a special introductory locked in rate of $39.95 per month, and you can join for two weeks free to try things out. The price goes up to $49.95 at midnight January 27th. If you do decide to join, please use this link so Bart knows I sent you as one of his affiliates–and yes, he does notice:

They are kind enough to include my “Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls” course in their list of affiliate courses, and I appreciate that.

Here is the announcement I got via email:

Exciting Upcoming Events You Don’t Want to Miss
We’ve got incredible events lined up, including:

  • (Tonight) 1/16 at 8 pm EST: The Four Gospels BSA Trivia Event – Prizes and bragging rights await!
  • 1/21: BSA Book Club: Discussion on James Tabor’s Paul and Jesus
  • 1/24: AMA with Dr. Pete Enns: Live Q&A discussion wtih the author of The Bible Tells Me So
  • 1/27: New, Semester-length class begins: The New Testament: Exploring the Christian Bible with Dr. Hugo Méndez
  • 2/20: “Bart’s Spotlight Series”: Lost in Translation: Problems with Making the Bible English

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