I just was able to get this code for a 10% discount if you use it on whatever purchase you make: DrTabor10. If you signed up for the free trial, which most tend to do, be sure and use the Code if you decide to keep the program at whatever level.
If you have always wanted to be able to read biblical Hebrew or Greek with some degree of fluency and efficiency, this is the program for you…

I was a Greek major in college with a B.A. in Biblical Languages, i.e. ancient Greek and Hebrew. My first part-time academic job was teaching Greek and Hebrew while I worked on my M.A. at Pepperdine University, you guessed it–in Biblical history and languages, and my Ph.D. at the University of Chicago was in the Humanities–not the Divinity school, with a focus on the New Testament and Early Christian Literature, affiliated with the Dept. of Classics….Over the years I have continued to teach classes in Greek for my advanced students.
I mention all that just to say that if I recommend a language program–and there are many out there–I do it with caution. After four decades of teaching I have found what I consider to be the BEST program for becoming fluent in Hebrew, Greek, or both–particularly designed with a focus on the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament and related texts.
Many of my readers have had courses in Greek and Hebrew over the years–often many years ago! But if you are like most, you are pretty much tied to looking up words and this or that grammatical point. We all get “rusty” with our foreign languages unless we continue to work on them regularly. Pulling out an old dusty copy of a basic grammar and trying to memorize verb or noun charts is not the most inspiring way to get back into study.
I have read Greek–and to a lesser extent, Hebrew, nearly every day for years…for pleasure as much as my work. Right now I am reading this wonderful edition of Plato’s Apology of Socrates. It is such a delight.
Check out Biblingo. You will not be disappointed. I recently had a colleague tell me in an interview that his young preschool and elementary kids are on Biblingo almost every day! The method is engaging, using your eyes and ears, just as we learn any language growing up or being immersed in a culture where we hear it all the time.
Below is the link that will take you to the site and let the good folks at Biblingo know I sent you. You can try it free for ten days–no obligations. I can almost guarantee you will find it to be, at last, the method you have been waiting for. Also tons of tutorials, on-line help, and so forth.
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