I just was able to get this code for a 10% discount if you use it on whatever purchase you make: DrTabor10. If you signed up for the free trial, which most tend to do, be sure and use the Code if you decide to keep the program at whatever level. …
The King James Version of the Bible, published in 1611, is the ALL TIME best selling book in English for the past several hundred years. Millions read it today and rely upon it as their ONLY Bible–in fact one often hears of fundamentalist and evangelical Churches that label themselves as…
The image of the “Son of Man returning in the Clouds of Heaven” becomes common among Christians to refer to Jesus and his 2nd Coming. However the phrase originates from Daniel 7 in the Hebrew Bible and has nothing to do with the coming of Jesus or any other Messiah…
Michael Stone, now retired from Hebrew University, but as active as ever in his scholarly investigations and publications, is one of the most engaging scholars in the general area of Jewish texts and traditions of the late 2nd Temple period. I still consider his little book, Scriptures, Sects, and Visions…
Paul’s foundational verse for what he calls “my gospel,” is taken directly from a quotation of the Hebrew Prophet Habakkuk–seldom read by hardly anyone. However, he completely reverses its meaning! https://youtu.be/ZCshIENR8xw
I am often asked about the best programs out there for learning Greek or Hebrew without a college course or tutor. Over the years I have explored a number of language software programs, and in my view the one with the very best method for the general student is Biblingo. I…