If you want to understand ancient ideas of astral immortality–including Jewish “gnostic” and Kabalistic circles, this exposition on how the earliest Christian astrological iconography developed is essential. Wray argues that the mysterious Migdal synagogue stone is far from just a “Temple” representation, but in fact has astrological meanings…and he has me half convinced he is right. I noticed the two fish right away, years ago, that everyone things are “hearts” or “loaves of bread.” I had not thought Pisces…but now I am wondering…lots of sign of Jonah also.
Get Wray’s book “The Secret Roots of Christianity” on Amazon…
I uploaded David Wray’s lecture on astrology in the ancient world, as seen on coins and inscriptions on March 2, 2023. It has been very appreciated with over 12K views. Here is the last of four David Wray movies on various more specific topics, especially related to coins and the signs of heaven. You can browse my Youtube channel to get the others:
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