Would Finding the Bones of Jesus Prove that He Was Not Resurrected from the Dead?

Millions of believing Christians, as well as theologians and historians, are convinced that the earliest faith in Jesus’ resurrection had to do with the assertion that his dead body was revived in a tomb–and that he walked out of that tomb on the third day after his death, as a flesh and blood human being–wounds and all. This is not in fact the case. That is a LATE view found in Luke and John–but is totally contradicted by our two earliest and most reliable sources: Paul & Mark.

The earliest believers in Jesus’ resurrection would not have been bothered in the least with his physical flesh and blood body “left behind,” in a tomb, or as Paul put it, shed off like an old garment. In this interview we hear Prof. John Dom Crossan on this topic, followed by my own take on the main texts related to the subject that are most often overlooked.

For a more elaborated textual version of the substance of this video see my blog post: https://jamestabor.com/why-people-are-confused-about-the-earliest-christian-view-of-resurrection-of-the-dead/

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