My dearly beloved oldest son, David Tabor, age 51, lost his battle with cancer after a long struggle on Friday morning August 30th. He died at MDAnderson Cancer Center in Houston, so he had access to the best most innovative care, but things were too advanced by the time he was diagnosed. His mother Linda and I were with him as he passed and were able to share expressions of love until the very end. He was suffering greatly so we comfort ourselves to know that is over. No one should ever have to lose a child but we know many have and around the world and in past centuries it is and was a common experience. Those of us with children would give our own lives in a second for our child. He and I had some of the best conversations of my life over the past few weeks, laughing, crying, and sharing memories from over the years, also deep philosophical and spiritual explorations. David had astounding insights and expressed himself in profound ways, that always took me by surprise. Our hearts are broken. David was so many things, most of all a gentle creative soul who cared for all creatures great and small. He was an amazingly gifted artist, who lived and worked in Richmond, VA, then Vienna, Austria, and later in Cameron, TX in the Austin area. He was also a writer, having published one novel, Tequilla Dämmering available on Amazon, as well as a Paintings by D. S. Tabor, book of some of his favorite paintings. He has another book that will be posthumously published soon. Here are a few of his many hundreds of paintings, my favorites, most are acrylic on canvas or wood, plus a few candid photos that capture David’s spirit. Many are sold, some are available. He seemed to have a hundred styles ranging from abstract expressionism to realism. Most of these scenes came right from his imagination. You can see more on his Face Book page, which is still up. We will likely set up a virtual gallery for prints and originals in the future. No flowers or other tributes please, give to any humane animal cause if you wish to honor or remember him.
A final observation: I find David’s art astounding and amazing, in subject, imagination, variety, technique, color, lighting, composition, and craft. What do I know?–and I am his father, but as one of my friends said, “David’s art has brought grace to our world” and may it continue to do so for years to come. I hope the originals someday are hanging in some of the major galleries of the world.
The Bustle in a House
The Morning after Death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon Earth –
The Sweeping up the Heart
And putting Love away
We shall not want to use again
Until Eternity –
Emily Dickinson

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