As many of you know, I have highly recommended the upcoming September virtual conference on Paul and his letters sponsored by Bart Ehrman. There was an “early-bird” price that ended last Saturday at midnight. But guess what? I was able to get a special CODE that will continue to give…
In this video I examine two texts from Paul’s early letters (1 Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians), that many scholars think are interpolations. Paul says harsh things about Jews experiencing soon the Wrath of God, , and demands that women be SILENT in the assembly and even if they have a…
Yesterday I did an interview with Prof. Robyn Faith Walsh, one of the ten participants in this upcoming special conference on the Apostle Paul: New Investigations on the New Testament(NINT). I found her insights and approach to the texts insightful and fascinating. You won’t want to miss this one! This…
A short audio report of my recent time in Israel with a few pictures–much more to come!
I made it back last night after a gruelingly rushed trip home. I was scheduled to fly back overnight Monday, as I wanted a full day in the Old City, so I would have arrived Tuesday in the afternoon. After the slaughter of the Druze children on Sunday, several of…
Good morning everyone from the Old City of Jerusalem! In this post I want to encourage you to register for this fabulous upcoming conference sponsored by Bart Ehrman. Some of you might have already signed up, but if you have not, take a look here at the speakers and the…
I don’t know how many of you have heard this verse quoted over the years growing up but the ideas behind it, spread to the world by the apostle Paul–have done untold harm, and led to the anguish and suffering of so many millions. A Single verse of the Bible–Jeremiah…
In Romans 4:3 Paul quotes Genesis 15:6 about the “faith of Abraham,” being “reckoned” as “righteousness,” which is a meaning quite opposite to the original context and literal Hebrew phrasing. And yet, this along with Romans 1:17, are the TWO PILLAR texts of his entire understanding of what he calls…
Paul’s foundational verse for what he calls “my gospel,” is taken directly from a quotation of the Hebrew Prophet Habakkuk–seldom read by hardly anyone. However, he completely reverses its meaning!
Blast from the past…I gave this lecture in 2007 at an academic conference. Don’t miss the Q&A at the end. I refer to many major scholars along the way who were in the room. In these intervening years, although I have further developed these views, by and large I remain…