This might sound at first like a trivial or even silly question. Believe it or not, it has profound implications, as I show in this short video. Christian apologists insist on a physical body walking out of the tomb, but our earliest evidence shows clearly that was NOT the original…
In this Preface I lay out a bit of autobiographical history that took me from my evangelical Christian college days as a Greek and Biblical Studies major to where I find myself now, many decades later, in my quest for a better historical understanding of the Mary/John the Baptizer/Jesus/James “movement”…
In this video I examine textual evidence in the New Testament, the Didache, and the Dead Sea Scrolls that points to a completely different tradition of the Sayings of Jesus at the Last Supper. Neither the eating of his body, nor the drinking of his blood–even sacramentally or symbolically–but rather…
This is Part 2 of my lecture on the DIDACHE that I recently prepared for my “Tabor Research Community for our upcoming monthly Zoom meeting. This ancient manuscript, lost in ancient times and re-discovered in 1873, dates as early as 100 AD. It contains the earliest record of the “Teachings”…

Special Live Lecture Today: Was the Oldest and Most Significant Dead Sea Scroll Mistakenly Declared a Forgery in 1883?
Was the Oldest and Most Significant Dead Sea Scroll Mistakenly Declared a Forgery in 1883? I am inviting you to a special live Youtube presentation by Ross K. Nichols, author of the 2021 book, The Moses Scroll, today at 11:30 EST, with discussion following. Here is the link: If…
Just printed it out. Final manuscript type set and formatted–just as the book will look. Goes now to page proofs. For the next three days I am going to read it aloud…every word–as a FINAL ultimate check. Just to see what might have been missed by two professional copyeditors who went…
In this edited segment of a private study I recently had with my “Tabor Research Group, via Patreon, that offers a theory, still in development, of discovering embedded in our current Greek gospel called Luke, is a pro-Gospel, upon which Luke primarily relied, as he overwrote Mark and added his…
In this final video of the short series dealing with the TOP TEN differences between the texts of the Bible in the Dead Sea Scrolls and our traditional Old Testament or Hebrew Bibles I go through the final Five, ending with what I think might be the most significant textual…
This video is Part I of the COUNTDOWN of the Top Ten Texts of the Bible that differ in the Dead Sea Scrolls and our traditional Old Testament. For an introduction see the previous video: And be sure you get your copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible for…

How Do Texts of the Hebrew Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls Compare with our Later Traditional Copies?
Get ready for the countdown: Ten Major Variants between the Dead Sea Scroll texts of the Hebrew Bible and that of our traditional Masoretic text–upon which our major English Bibles are based. A very few of these variants are slowly making it into the English texts, but by far the…