An Invitation to Join My “Research Community”

I have recently formed a “Research Community” for anyone interested in my academic work. I post several things a week related to my own research and my field in general, whether breaking news, book recommendations, videos, and articles, as well as sharing and discussing inside material even before it is published or made public. This is a chance to go behind the scenes with me on a level often not available to the public.

My Patreon account is not set up, as is typically the case, as a “Pay to Play” site. Rather, it is my way of identifying a group of really engaged folk, self-selected by paid membership, with whom I can deal more directly. If you take a look at the various membership tiers at my site, you will see that all levels of membership ($5-$300) receive the same benefits. People have differing financial resources and levels of interest–so we operate with that in mind. All Contributions go into a research fund—so you are advancing scholarship.

There is a  Weekly Q & A Dialogue Space where members can use for personal exchange where I will respond to messages directly and members can have exchanges among themselves. We also meet monthly in a live Zoom session, which is recorded and uploaded to the site. This is not a Webinar, where you just stare at a screen and watch me talk. It is a “Zoom Room” where we are all together, and can interact and address questions. In these monthly session we explore a topic in depth. Most recently we discussed to what degree the Gospel of John, often neglected by scholars in the past, can be valuable for research on the historical Jesus.  In previous months we have discussed the latest research on ancient Jerusalem ossuaries and new DNA testing, the biography of the “Teacher of Righteousness” in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the latest on archaeological excavations in Jerusalem. In 2024 I am also going to bring in other scholars and researchers as guests to our Zoom sessions, so members can hear from them firsthand. Check out the link here:


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