Prof. Tabor has often been consulted by the media on various issues related to his work, particularly the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Koresh/Waco tragedy, and archaeological topics of interest including the Mt Zion excavation in Jerusalem, the Talpiot “Jesus” tombs, and the Suba “John the Baptist” cave. He has appeared or been quoted in stories and features including: Time; Newsweek; USNews&World Report; New York Times; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post; London Guardian; Hearst Newspapers; Dallas Morning News; Waco Herald Tribune; Charlotte Observer; Newsday; AP; UPI; Gannett; Religious News Service; McCleans; Vanity Fair; Jerusalem Report; Jerusalem Post; PBS McNeil-Lehrer Report; ABC Good Morning America, National Public Radio; CNN Morning Show; CNN Larry King Live, CBS Radio; CBS “Touched by an Angel,” ABC Nightline, ABC 20/20, Channel 4 & 5 UK, BBC UK.
He also is a frequent contributor on a variety TV documentaries and films, including PBS:Frontline, The Learning Channel, A&E, The History Channel, Discovery, National Geographic, Smithsonian Channel, BBC, Channel 4 and Channel 5 in the UK.
He is a regular contributor at the Huffington Post as well as Biblical Archaeology Society’s Bible History Daily. See drop-down menus for more details.