This footage of me and my students at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Here we go to CAVE 3–that had the famous Copper Scroll and share stories with anthropologist Joe Zias. I will be presenting videos on this mysterious scroll that lists hidden sacred objects, as well…
Millions of Christians for nearly 2000 years have assumed, based on faulty translations–and frankly, Handel’s Messiah–that Jesus is referred to as the Mighty God and Everlasting Father by the Prophet Isaiah…Here is the back story.f You can download a free PDF of the notes here: Iinvite you to…
A detailed survey of our earliest sources on James–whose proper name was Jacob of Yaaqov–the brother of Jesus, was written out of the standard master narrative of Christian history. What can we know about James, by trying to reassemble all the disparate strands of evidence, from the Gospels, Acts, Paul,…
In this new series on my Youtube channel, to run concurrently with the present series, “Lost in Translation,” we work on learning how to spot and identify texts of the Bible, whether Hebrew Bible/O.T. or New Testament, that have been overlaid with what appear to be disjunctive interpolations inserted for…
Today is the biblical Shavuot as observed in late 2nd Temple times–not on a date of the Jewish month (Sivan 5th), which never changes, but a literal counting of days from the Sunday (“morrow after the Sabbath”), seven Sabbath will be complete untiil the “morrow” (Sunday) after the 7th Sabbath.…
The traditional translation of “Den of Thieves” is misleading both in the mouth of Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple–but more significant,–in the mouth of the Prophet Jeremiah whom Jesus quotes. Here is the back-story on what was really going on, both in the time of Jeremiah and of Jesus. Here…
A careful look at Zechariah 14 that predicts a final “battle against Jerusalem” between all the nations of the world, manifestation of the LORD on the Mt of Olives. Christians frequently refer to this and apply it to Jesus as the Messiah. But what does the original Hebrew text in…
This is a long and serious study based on a lecture I recently gave to my students in the “Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls” course–which is still open to join. We went through a much neglected text–the WAR SCROLL–found in 1947 and seldom mentioned. As it turns out it…
In this short video I try to put my finger on the single FATAL flaw underlying all modern interpretations of “Bible Prophecy” that plot a countdown of events leading up to the end of the World. The key is a historical reading and understanding of the texts in their original…
For the past 100 years a new form of popular Christian Prophecy belief took over much of evangelical Christianity. This interpretation rendered all the predictions of apocalyptic signs leading up to the end of the world, “Failure Proof” by a Double “Coming of Christ” idea. This essentially allows for perpetual…