“All Israel Will be Saved” What did Paul Mean?–Prof. Staples’s Work is Transformational

Check out the link to the MOST significant Conference on Paul of the year–for non-scholars. New Insights on the New Testament–with the emphasis on “New,” hosted by Prof. Bart Ehrman. Look at the topics and the speakers and I think you might be hooked: Here is the link to check things out:


The early bird price for the conference, ends Saturday, August 24th…

This fascinating IN DEPTH interview on Paul is in my judgment one of the most significant I have ever recorded. Yes, I said that. Prof. Jason Staples (www.jasonstaples.com) has done the best job of anyone in our field putting forth an academic analysis of what Paul’s view of SALVATION really involved–namely the “Mystery,” as Paul calls it–that will lead to all Israel being “saved.”

We mention Biblingo in the opening,, the BEST method out there for truly becoming fluent in ancient Greek or Hebrew. This is for anyone, you might think it is expensive but it is worth every penny. You will finally be able to be fluent in reading, understanding, and speaking either language–or both. The method is amazing. https://jamestabor.com/LearnGreekorHebrew

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