Here is Part 2 of My Presentation on the Didache!

This is Part 2 of my lecture on the DIDACHE that I recently prepared for my “Tabor Research Community for our upcoming monthly Zoom meeting. This ancient manuscript, lost in ancient times and re-discovered in 1873, dates as early as 100 AD. It contains the earliest record of the “Teachings” of Jesus outside our New Testament–and I would argue it preserves material earlier than our N.T. gospels. And it preserves a distinctively “Non-Paul” message. It reflects the original ‘Way” of the movement inaugurated by John the Baptist, the historical Jesus, and his brother James.


If you find this kind of in-depth study valuable I invite you to join my Tabor Research Community for lots more, discussions, my responses to messages, monthly Zoom meetings, and a fantastic and diverse group of historically oriented students of the Bible. As it happens, our next Zoom meeting, in which we will discuss Parts 1 and 2 of these presentations, will be done live from Jerusalem on Sunday, March 30th. If you join the Research Community at any level, you will receive your private invitation to join us:

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